Fitness Club Forum FAQ

Over two years ago Darth_Revan_Rules posted a quick note checking in with others he had informally been touching base with who had set goals to become more fit.

With almost 1,000 replies and 20,000 views the Fitness club has grown into something awesome, unexpected and continues to positively inspire and influence our community.

I speak from personal experience.

I have created this forum as an experiment as always. If it it turns out that it doesn’t need its own space we move it back, no harm, no foul. Besides the fact it has dominated the Geek Hobby forum the thread is so massive and so chock full of good information it occurred to me we are at risk at losing information in there.

So here is the plan, anyone can post threads in this forum with questions, things they have learned, routines, eating, etc. This way we group like topics with like topics and allow someone who is interested in a specific topic can quickly find it and reap the benefit of the hive mind over time concentrated into its own space. Our own personal GWC Fitness Wiki…or whatever it turns into. That part is up to you.

If you want to brainstorm please feel free to use this thread.

I’m really digging the Fitness Club’s new home! Thanks for making the move Solai!

I also really wanted to get a big shout out for Darth_Revan_Rules. Dude, by resurrecting this thread you have changed lives. Take a bow sir - it’s well deserved.

you can tell I’ve been slacking in my forum reading duties when I just noticed this now! :eek:

really glad to see that it took off in such a way and that so many of us got together for encouragement, it really does help to know that you have a support base to fall back to if you’re feeling down or that you can’t do it anymore

This is so true! It has definitely changed my life to get tweets of encouragement every time I work out, advice on each little pain, bump in the road, and new goal, and also feel like I have actually provided that level of support to others.

DOH DOH DOH! Someone delete this…