First Time

Tonight, I will be watching Dr. Who for the first time.

What should I expect?

British accents.

I’m sick and tired of you lying to me all the time.


And a good possibility of becoming, in time, a rabid fan.

Where are you starting?


2005, season one.

A bit confused, because the dude on chick on the advertisement is NOT who appear in these first episodes? I know that there are what, five(?), different iterations of The Doctor, but I’m just so lost on who is what at the beginning here.

Actually, there are 11 official Doctors so far (many more if you count some of the outlying materials). The one you’re watching now is the 9th. It’s a good place to start. It was designed with newbies in mind. Just follow along. All will be explained.

Hope you enjoyed! It will make more sense the more you watch. I started in the same place about 4-5 months ago and I’m a huge fan now. It’s a great series with a lot of history and the reboot does it all a great justice IMO. It’ll keep growing on you with every episode and with each new Doctor.

I envy you. Expect fun stories, hilarious dialogue, occasionally dodgy CGI, surprisingly emotional moments and last minute ass pull solutions that for some reason you won’t mind :slight_smile:

I watched three episodes last night, and I find myself hoping that it picks up soon.

I hope they get fun soon! I was a little bored last night with the first three episodes. Sure, the Doctor can be witty at times and there are moments of good dialogue, but my overall impression last night was, “alright… neat.”

Is it one of those shows that I have to really make a commitment to just drudge through the mediocre to find the occasional gem? Or does it pick up rather quickly hereafter to keep me enthralled?

The first series has some slow parts. Things should pick up right about “Dalek”. (and you might be able to skip World War III/Aliens of London)

And look for Series 1’s “clue” that’s in all the episodes.

Indeed. I love having them all collected and watching them all quickly, but there’s a lot to be said for having to wait a week or more between episodes.

I am impressed by the show’s ability to combine suspense, bits of horror and science fantasy and call it science fiction. I would recommend tracking down the 1999 telefilm; my favorite Doctor was Paul McGann and I saw bits of his portrayal in both Eccleston and Tennant. I didn’t the show’s writing got all that great until about Series 3. I enjoyed Martha Jones and Donna Noble far more than Rose Tyler.

I have watched 4 seasons of Who and 2 of Torchwood in the last 3 months. It’s been a marathon of stuffing my brain with Doctor Who and I have loved it.

If Eccelstone isn’t doing it for you you could skip to S2 but I would stick it out. I liked him, though didn’t love him the way I and everyone else loves Tennant.

I liked all of them and really can’t pick a favorite companion. They all win the contest in different dimensions.

I think they were all better than Amy Pond. I liked her at first, but her attitude seems to me to be slowly deteriorating and she’s getting more and more jealous and bitter and she’s not really that likeable, to me. I really enjoy Rory though and I think it’s about time that the Doctor had another strong male companion.

I’ve heard that about Amy from a few sources, but I don’t see it at all. I don’t think she’s jealous or bitter- certainly nothing approaching Rose. Sure, she didn’t like hearing her husband call some floaty chick the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, but that’s it.