Firefox 3 Easter Egg

For those of you who have already installed Firefox 3, try typing about:robots into the address bar.

For the Firefox 3-challenged, I uploaded a screenshot to flickr:

Dude! That is so cool!

That’s awesome! At least some robots out there still have a plan…

And shiny metal asses.

I just pulled a Sean “And they have a plan…Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah”

Extra points go to those who can identify all 5 of the sci-fi references in that picture.

Make that a demerit for each one you miss.

  1. The Day the Earth Stood Still
  2. Isaac Asimov, Three Laws Robotics
  3. I think this is from the Disney movie Black Hole
  4. Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Description of Robot
  5. Bender from Futurama

One demerit! (There’s actually six references, but one is kind of obvious for folks 'round here.)

Two demerits- #3 is Blade Runner.

That was the demerit. I was letting the BSG ref slide.

I thought the “And they have a plan” was a bit obvious and the whole reason this thread got started.

Ok I Have seen Blade Runner but its has been quite a while.

Whoops! Sorry, I misread that!