FF Re-Watch: Trash

Who hasn’t ended their day the same way Mal does in this ep:

“Well, that went well.”

The good news is that sometimes we get to finish it the same way: paid. Sometimes.

This is actually one of my least favorite episodes. I mean aside from the Yosafbridge line - and the naked Mal…it’s not one of the ones I want to watch over and over again.

Though I do also love what River says to Jayne in the infirmary.

“Also - I could kill you with my brain.”


The thing I love about Yosafbridge is that to me she is like the flip coin to Inara… I mean obviously she has had companion training, and we see in this episode just how many men she gets to fall madly in love with her.

And in previous episodes we see that many of the men Inara is with want her to stay with them and give up her companion life. I think it’s just interesting that if Inara wanted to she could just as easily use and abuse men just as Yosafbridge does…

wow, lots of story twists in this one. and more Jayne fun, he can do so many funny little things with his face.

Also, what I love about Firefly is the continuity, every episode is tied to the preceding and the following one and all are relevant as a story continuum. Oh, by the way, has anyone picked up on any Buffy/Firefly cross-references in either show yet?

I can’t say this a favorite of mine i liked the double cross and the banter of between Mal and Safron was well for lack of better word was epic. (crazy time gets me everytime) and not to get personal but there was a time where a practical joke was played on me and i have woken up naked in public, and i thought of this episode. took a deep breath and calmly (well as calmly as a fella could) walked across the street to my place even said hello to the neighbors. who passed by on there morning walk. So yes this episode proves that firefly can help you with real world problems.

i’m sorry, but naked mal trumps story.

but no, really - i love the mal/saffron banter too in this episode, and enjoyed the twists in the episode very much.

though i could be terribly biased by that naked tush.

Very true. There’s a reason they call him Captain Tightpants :wink:

Maybe we should start calling him “Captain Nopants”. :smiley:

Heck, I’d call him whatever he wants to be called!! hee hee

I couldn’t even believe he would trust Saffron even the littlest bit, in the first place - until the very end and I realized they screwed her good. Er, not literally. That she could handle…