February Book Selection

It’s time to choose the February BOTM!

A few things to remember:[ul]
[li]You’re voting for the January book of the month. We’ll close the poll at the end of December and announce the winner here and on the blog and podcast Jan. 1.[/li][li]You can vote for more than one book, so please select all those you’d be interested in reading.[/li][li]Campaigning is recommended. We’re a friendly bunch, so don’t be afraid to plug a book (or books) you like a lot.[/li][li]Don’t worry if your favorites aren’t selected this time 'round. We’ll close the winning book’s thread and leave the rest open – so there’s no reason your fave couldn’t win next time 'round.[/ul]And finally, don’t forget this is all for fun. I personally plan on reading some of the ones that don’t win, too.[/li] __________________

I don’t get it. I keep recommending free (as in beer, people!) books, and they get no love. coughhackercrackdowncough

Watchmen is looming topical (forthcoming lush movie that will only disappoint you if you’ve read the book, so vote for that too.)

What is Watchmen about?



Heck. You’ve just got to read it.

Trust me. Ask Armando, I’m not going to recommend a purchase unless the payoff is huge.

Only downside is that it’s been aped in part by the big two, so it may feel a bit like reading Shakespeare and being annoyed by the cliches. Although, as with Shakespeare, you’ll realize that the callouts were just lazy writing.

Yeah, I’m comparing it to Shakespeare. And I’m a bit of a WS geek. So that should tell you something.

Well let me put it this way a few years back i had an argument with College roommate about if comic books were art and he showed me a picture (one which is still on my wall today) http://www.comicartcommunity.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=7432and I was wrong. But I still held back from it cause I didn’t consider it actually well written literature, until I read the watchmen, not saying it is the best book I’ve read but it is good the kind of good that has had me voting for the thing for the last few months, but in short its realistic superheroes in a historical setting

Right, am I the only person who was completely bored when reading His Dark Materials, I haven’t been that bored or cared that little about the fate of the characters since the Harry Potter Novels.

I’d say vote for Watchmen or finally give Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective agency its chance, since watchmen will definitly get voted in when the film is released.

Fourth Generation Subaru Legacy Specifications

The Hacker Crackdown can be found at:


Thanks for posting that.

Also, Cory Doctorow’s podcast of it can be found here:

It’s quite good so far, although I haven’t gotten to his reading of the 911 Docs that are the center of the whole affair. I hear it’s a sure-fire sleep aid.

I was out in 5 minutes, and I was playing Portal at the time.

I’m a couple installments from it, and I listen at work. This could prove interesting…

Just because I’m a contrarian… Can somebody “defend” the books that have gotten zero votes? It seems like somebody put the name forward, but even they don’t want to read them… that tells me there are some hidden jewels there, and perhaps they need somebody to polish them a bit…

— Dismal the contrarian bastard

Maybe people waited too long to vote. I did.