
Any Farscape fans out there? I know they mentined this on GWC last podcast! and I agree this Show is awesome I got into this series late in Season 3 and I was hooked! Its only 4 seasons long and one mini series at the end(Peace Keeper Wars) so with the writer strike going on and you need something to watch check it out!

I’m a big fan. I’m actually in the middle of a rewatch. I’ve just begun season 4. There’s talk of new webisodes being availble soon.

Some of the best Writing i’ve seen on tv

Crichton: Hi… Honey. Huh. Guess what I did at work today? I wore a bomb. A nuclear bomb in a field of flowers. I could get lucky. Tomorrow I could have a bigger bomb. I could kill… more people. Maybe they’ll be innocent people. Children… maybe.

I still miss this show

yea great lines from Crichton!

I also heard they are doing some webisodes but I havent heard anything recently or who are in them!

Maybe I should give this one another chance. I couldn’t get past the whole “Muppets in Space” look of it the few times I’ve seen it.

When I first saw it, that was my impression, that it was your standard generic, made for kids TV Sci.Fi. show with rubber faced monsters, but the writing is outstanding and mature. Well worth the effort to overcome the rubber monster feeling you have. The Scorpius stories are great, and one of my favorites is a story where the crew accedentally change the time line and then try to fix it, making things worse. (The episode doesn’t have a Star Trek ending.)

I was hooked when I caught the end of season 2 where John is left with his brains hanging out and the only doctor lying dead on the floor. Six months later I was at the second annual Farscape convention. This show broke all the established scifi rules and was not episodic. Farscape, Firefly and Battlestar have raised the bar for science fiction television. Do we really want to lower the bar watching the new Flash Gordon. I dont.

I’ve spent a good deal of time looking for the DVD’s at a reasonable price, $150.00 to $200.00 CDN a season doesn’t seem reasonable, in fact no matter how much i love the show i don’t intentionally go out to get screwed. So do you know of any good deals around.

I’d love to start watching this show again, but I quit about halfway through season 1 on Netflix (which is also around the place that the series got to when the syndication deals ended a few months back), but they’re out of print and no longer have season 1 for rent. I don’t want to buy the super expensive DVD sets because Sony now has the rights and they’ll surely release it and do it much cheaper. So until then, I’ll have to hold tight.

I’m really picky about watching TV. All I “dont miss” now is BSG, Venture Bros., The Office. I’ll tune in when Futurama is back. Watched all of Heroes last year one after the other during the summer, kept me interested enough just to find out what would happen, but ultimatly I was disapointed. That’s pretty much it. I’m picky.

I’ll give Farscape a try, caught bits and pieces of it and it seemed good, at least original. I really found the muppets a put off, reminds me of “Return of the Jedi”, huge disapointment to me when I was a teen. Then again when I heard of Firefly and saw previews, I was put off by the “Western in Space” idea which I found odd and unapealing. Turns out after giving that a try, I became one of my all time fav. When I heard they were redoing Battlestar I thought that was the dumbest idea… Wrong again…

And speaking of DVDs, do the ones for BSG ever go on sale? The episodes are all pretty fresh in my memory but I would’nt mind having them handy for rainy nights…

My favorite show of all time. My buddy Ian got me into it most of the way through the first season. My first episode was Nerve (Scorpius’ first appearance). What an episode to begin with! I was instantly hooked. Back then TV shows were not readily available on DVD, coughtorrentscough, or iTunes, so I had to wait a while to catch the rest of the first season in reruns. I now own the entire series on DVD, including The Peacekeeper Wars. I’ve watched the series about 5 times all the way through (commuting 45 mins each way to work via train will give you plenty of time to watch episodes).

I don’t know where you’re looking, but you might have found the original DVD releases, which were much more expensive. Over the past couple years they re-released all 4 seasons. These releases were called the “Starburst Edition”. There are three sets per season (for a total of 12), and each set is about $28 CDN on amazon.ca, so that works out to half of what you were expecting.

The one thing that’s annoying about the listings on Amazon is that, while the DVDs are marked in a consistent way, their names on Amazon are not. So for example you might see the second DVD set from Season 2 referred to in one of three different ways:

Starburst Edition 2.2
Starburst Edition Vol. 5
Starburst Edition - Season 2, Collection 2

Be mindful of that when ordering, to make sure that you are not getting duplicates.

If you have any other questions, fire a PM in my direction.

See my above post. Also, if you are in the USA then you can try deepdiscount.com. They don’t carry all the sets there, but their prices on the ones they do sell are amazing - $17.27 USD per set, with free shipping.

The DVD sets are ridiculously expensive. I was looking to buy a set and they wanted £80 a season. Not a chance, £20-£30 a season would be the maximum I’d be willing to spend.

I am a Farscape fanatic! My favorite episode is “crackers don’t matter” because the whole episode has me laughing. Especially when crighton says, “I need you all to understand. Crackers. Don’t. matter[shoots the crackers with winona]”

what I liked a lot about this show how he named his gun. And you got he shot better with that gun for what ever reason… hmmm got me thinking maybe larry should name his gun?


Best. Show. Ever.

I so know what you mean. The DVD packaging is horrible. Two episodes per DVD, WTF? Instead, I whipped out my old VCR tapes that I recorded while the show was still showing and used my TV Tuner card to transfer to DVD. As mentioned, you could go the route of coughtorrentscough.

The Muppets in Space thing never bothered me. I always loved ‘Sparky’ and his helium flatulence. Having a cranky, disgusting muppet was such a great concept.

Those were the original DVD releases. As I stated earlier, the series was re-released in what is called the “Starburst Editions”. 3 sets per season, with either 7 or 8 episodes per set, and they’re priced quite reasonably.

My bad. My bad.

No worries. Now that Sony has the rights though, I’m wondering if they’re going to put out Blu-Ray versions of the series. Knowing me I’ll buy a Blu-Ray player just to re-buy the entire series in HD…