Farscape 4x22 Bad Timing

Saturday, 18 June 2011
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“I’m not smart enough, I’m not fast enough, I’m not alien enough, and
you know what? There are people in the universe who don’t like me.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Starting now…

Now Suzoku is wearing leather. I prefered her red cleavage outfit.

Space suit.

I don’t remember this episode at all.

That’s not true. I remember two moments. One being the ending.

Small flashbacks for me.

Now I understand why Suzoku was with Scorpious in “The Peacekeeper War”.

Do D’argo and John have a better bromance than Kirk and Spock?

They had some rougher patches than Kirk and Spock… :wink:

Kirk and Spock tried to kill each other twice. Too.

Do you know if they knew that this was their last episode when they were filming this or did they find out after the episode was in the can?

But they were under control of something while Cryton and D’Argo tried to kill each other under normal conditions.

Braga is watching Scorpy and Suzoku? Um, Eww?

Nice circle to them cutting off Pilot’s arm w/o permission first season.

Wasn’t Pilot and Moya seperated before?

They knew… ):

Which time? (:

They all have a strange relationship.

Yeah. And joined naturally after.

I do remember the bit about John on the moon.

Scene on the moon is the other scene I remember. Now, I remember why.

The guy that played John’s dad did a great job.

The emperor killed her boyfriend. She is going to be pissed now. :wink: