Farscape 4x20 We're So Screwed: Part 2: Hot to Katratzi

Saturday, 11 June 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Nothing like a bomb to sober you up.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Starting now.

Thermonuclear? He’s gonna rescue Scorpy from carbonite?

Looks like John is planning on making a BIG boom.

Why did security let a nuke through to the Emperor.

Lol Chiana.

Looks like Chyana was surprised.

Because that close it doesn’t matter where it goes off that close to him.

Interesting way to test the bpmbs sensors. :slight_smile:

Why do managers think that they can threaten underings to get things done faster that is possible.

How did Criton know that Braga is Scorpy’s man?

“I’m just playing a game of chicken. Did I win?” :slight_smile:

So much double crossing.

Plot upon plots upon spys upon spys. :smiley:

So frakkin’ funny!!

They stole this sceen from Lord of the Rings.

Look, Granny was able to take out a Scaren. :smiley:


Lucas Breath

Great cliffhangers, but off to bed with me. Night all.

Night… (:

The bit where the Orcs and the Uru-ki start fighting alowing Frodo and Sam to escape.