Farscape 4x18 Prayer

Saturday, 4 June 2011
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“There was one guard. I don’t remember her face; she never told me
her name. She told me a legend about how Sebaceans once had a
god, called Djancaz-Bru. Six worlds prayed to her. They built her
temples, conquered planets. And yet, one day she still rode off and
destroyed all six worlds. And when the last warrior was dying, he, he
said, ‘We gave you everything. Why did you destroy us?’ And she
looked down upon him, and she whispered, ‘Because I can.’”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Huh. Can’t wait for that delivery…

Starting now.

Wow. First thing.


Double ew.

Aeryn finds religion in prison?

INTERESTING way to make a blood pact.

Did they change some of the images in the opening credits?

“You got something in there. Just not a brain.”

Kinky torcher chair.

That’s a messed up chair. I can’t imagine how it feels for the actress.

Every season.

Spinny camera make me ill.

I was thinking from earlier this season to this episode.

Not sure. Feels different to me too, but I’m not motivated enough to check.

I like Suzoku with long hair.

John, you know what he’s gonna do. Stop him.

Where are the rest of Alt-Moya’s crew?

That’s gruesome…

They were on the bridge before.