Farscape 4x15 Mental as Anything

Saturday, 28 May 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“He’s trapped in a coma with his own nightmares. Killing
him would have been merciful. I’m not that enlightened.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

9 or 10pm?

10 PM. Sorry. :o

Bah. I started. Stopping though.

Was so hard pushing the stop button!

Want to watch Doctor Who instead now?

I don’t have the next ep. I have BBCA.

Ah. I thought you would have “obtained” it by now.

Nah. Otherwise I would be watching the GoT refraks too.

My Crom, these two and their great chemistry!

Netflix keeps getting stuck while buffering.

Grr. Argh. :frowning:

The DVD set is well worth the price imo. But considering this is the last season, I dunno. I love the commentaries intermittent as they are.

I have it on DVD. But not here. :frowning:

And the YouTube link is gone due to copyright infringement.

Fraktastic. :mad:

John looked broken on that floor.

Wow, obvious lie.

Intense episode.

A lot of saliva in this episode.

Wow, what a dark episode.

Ugh! I wish they had a season 5. D’Argo is such a great character.