Farscape 4x14 Twice Shy

Saturday, 21 May 2011
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“I know you can see me. Bad guys always see me.
My plans suck. People die. It’s always a mess.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

“This is a bad idea.”
“Nine times out of ten.” :smiley:

Forgot what happens in this ep.

“Take her to your room. She is your responsibility.”

If she pees on the floor, you’re cleaning it up. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a bad feeling about Talika though.

Yeah, the details are a bit fuzzy for me too.

“You scare me a little.” (:

“Does that mean I get to hit you now?”
“I would not advise that.” :smiley:

“You don’t scare me… OK, you scare me a little.” :smiley:

I forget Chiana’s tendency for women sometimes.

How could I forget this episode!!?

What’s the point of buying a sex slave if you’re not going to take advantage of your purchase? :rolleyes:

Although that explains why I forgot it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I tend not to like episodes where main characters don’t act like themselves.

Prolly why I forgot.

Oh my Crom!

Well that was unsettling. :eek:

Which part?

I was thinking bringing them aboard wasn’t a good idea.

I’m disappointed Terra Firma doesn’t have any commentaries. In fact, this dvd doesn’t have anything except deleted scenes.

Scorpy, you brute you! d:

Crighton has been slimed…