Farscape 4x11 Unrealized Reality

Saturday, 14 May 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“He was a cheap date, a lousy drunk, and a redneck. He was lousy in the sack.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Starting now…

I’m starting late but I’ll catch up during the intro.

It’s always more complicated than that. :frowning:

“I wouldn’t have risen to Dominar if I wasn’t able to see things coming.”
“You were deposed, in a coup, by your own cousin.” :smiley:

Nice comeback pilot. heh.

Kansas has icebergs?

Bleah. I’m gonna be a minute behind on this one.

Had to step away to let the dog out. Fortunately, I kinda remenber this episode.

It’s very memorable.

DK mattered so much through the first few seasons.

And so little in the end. :frowning:

Claudia is doing a good job of acting like Chiana.

That was freaky…

Love the character “Interview” flashbacks. :slight_smile:

That Zhaan’s head was misshapen. Did she return for this ep?

Claudia’s eyebrows aren’t right for this scene…

She shaved her head when she was a regular, she wore a skull cap for this episode.

I didn’t know she returned twice this season.

Love Scorpy becoming dad, and then John becoming like Scorpy.

Is the old man Scorpy?