Farscape 4x10 Coup by Clam

Saturday, 30 April 2011
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

“Well, it’s the first thing I’ve had in a while that doesn’t taste
like chicken. Kinda reminds me of a big bowl of Alpo I once ate.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Starting now.


Bad clams indeed.

I remember something vague about that mechanic…

Is Granny that good of a chemist that she can figure out what is making them sick from their spit?



Why does the bad guy always have to explain their evil plans?

Oh my Crom!

I’m blinded!!!

I’m going to need some powerful eye bleach after this episode.

Lol @ dar’go’s whistle.


Funny, disgusting episode.

Go Rygel!!

And Rygel with the save.

Selva’s voice…

Scorpy can be real quiet. Scorpy is a Ninja.

And Rygel got in dressed as a female?

Scorpy urine?? ):

There are going to be some surprised people facing the crew.

Did Badger leave us for the evening?