Farscape 4x09 A Prefect Murder

Saturday, 30 April 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Hit me harder, you big sissy!”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.


Started, just trying to catch my bearing from watching Dr. Who.

Why do they let Chiana leave the ship?

“Seems a bit moody.”
“Man, you should have met her mother.” :smiley:

No clue…

I just updated my Sig.

I don’t remember this ep yet.

Heh. Nice. (:

Had to change it to blue, red didn’t read well against the grey.

So refreshing to see a series where the more violent a race is, they aren’t darker (like ST).

I’m not remembering this episode myself.

Australia doesn’t have enough non-white actors. :slight_smile:

That was a ‘G’ rated sex scene.

You had to point that out didn’t you. (I knew btw)

Wasn’t really sex. More like 3rd base. d:

The time jumping is throwing me off. Is Aeryn becoming a Pre-cog?

It’s Groundhog Day! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it’s more Roshamon.

I like John’s new haircut. He looks great in this episode. :stuck_out_tongue: