Farscape 4x05 Promises

Saturday, 16 April 2011
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“Kryptonite? Silver bullet? Buffy? What’s it going to take to keep you in the grave?”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Starting now…

Looks like the gang is getting back together.

“What if its a trap?”
one way to find out."
“Walk straight into it!”

Ooh, rubber is cooling?

Sorry I’m late, Alex. Had to put my daughters to bed.

They aren’t joining dad for the Farscape watch?

Oh no. Aeyrn. I was crying first time I saw this.

They would run out of the room the second they saw Scorpy.

Sorry I’m late. I had to go hide in the basement from the tornado. :eek:

“Ain’t no smoking in my head!”

Love Harvey and John segments. BSG upgraded Harvey to a chick in a red dress. Vast improvement.

“And theres no smoking in my head!”

I don’t know about that. Sebacean-Scarran hybrid is no match for mutant witch. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who do you prefer? Scarecrow, Tin Man, or Lion?

I take it that this are OK now.

When what you love becomes what you hate…

Ugh! This is tough.

Oh My! What was the name she called that costume? Crom! I forgot.

Scarecrow. I like 'em big, dumb, and flammable. :stuck_out_tongue:

See, I pegged you for a Lion man.

Aryn in the Scorpy suit. Not as sexy looking as it sounds.