Farscape 4x01 Crichton Kicks

Saturday, 2 April 2011
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“When a woman, whether she’s your wife, your lover, or a slave you’ve
purchased to be your wife or lover, leaves you repeatedly, take the hint.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Is my media player messing up this DVD or is this in widescreen?

I’m here, a minute late though.

John has de-evolved from his tri-split self.

I love 1812. :stuck_out_tongue:

And John with crazy beard again. :eek:

Love how John is acting like this is another day at the office.

I forgot that they were in the Leviathan cemetary.

Sikozu! With space braids! :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, is this in widescreen now for everyone else?

I forgot how they met her. I hate her hair though.

Widescreen. I think the whole season is.

“You speak Pilot!”
“Oh.” :smiley:

Thank you!

Ew, they eat Leviathan brains? :eek:

Have I seriously missed all of Season 3? UGH!



And, pregnant Aeryn!

I felt that way too.

Love Harvey on the beach! :smiley:

Apparently so. :frowning:

Welcome back, though. :slight_smile:

John speaking Klingon! WooT!!

Nice Klingon there. Heavy accent though.