Farscape 3x09 Losing Time

Saturday, 5 February 2011
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“All right, we don’t understand the R2D2 crap. We’re going to
use the Star Trek system. One blink for yes, two blinks for no.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Ooh, spooky close-ups! :eek:

Are Scorpy and John in a Darren Aronofsky film?

Bah, I had the wrong DVD in.

“A trillion other possibilities…”

Next time someone says that to you, ask them to give you all of them.

“All of her scans suggest it’s benign, but…”

There’s always a but. :eek:

Aw. Not in the face. :eek:

Waking up in a pool of blood: never good. :eek:

I like Crichton’s shirt. It reminds me of Kirk’s green wraparound number. :stuck_out_tongue:

K. FF’ed and caught up now.

St. John of the Uncharted Territories :smiley:

“Watch me, please.”

Is that really a job with a shortage of volunteers? :stuck_out_tongue:

Without Aeryn? Yes.

I love when Peacekeepers get snippy with Scorpius. They rarely survive long. :slight_smile:

“I live on this ship. Something strange is always happening.”

Pilot doesn’t wake up well. :eek:

You know, this episode doesn’t seem familiar. Is it possible I’ve never seen it? :eek:

“It’d be the smart thing to do if you later need to appear innocent.”
“I’m not that smart.” :smiley:

“Maybe I’ll get lucky.”

That’s what she said.

“Your pilot’s integrity is, uh, definitely not intact.” :eek: :smiley: