Farscape 3x06 Eat Me

Saturday, 22 January 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“See? Violence. You’ll get the hang of it.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

The Borg has taken over.

Possible death always beats definite death.

Worse. It’s zombies!

This episode has one of the best things ever happen in it. :smiley:

This is certainly the more light-hearted episode that you were hoping for. :smiley:

I’m afraid to ask.

Heh. Yep.

You have seen it before, I assume?

Cue chest burst.

“Because, because, because, because THEY’RE EATING ME!!!” :eek:

Oh my gods, they killed D’Argo! You bastards! :eek:

I was wondering when we’d see them again.

How many times has she fell out of her corset? Gees!

Huh. I don’t remember this.

That burning powder is awesome.

Really? This whole thing is too frelled up to forget.

Oh, this is that episode!

Been years. And, I marathoned them. They blur together. And, if I went to bed after an episode, less likely to remember.

This is so twisted. No wonder everyone went nuts.

“We’re going to make babies.” :eek:

Yeah, that was scary.