Farscape 3x05 ...Different Destinations

Saturday, 22 January 2011
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“They shot me! They pushed me! They made me drink piss!”

You can watch the episode on YouTube or Netflix.

Started on time.

Heh. Astro boy.

I love this episode. So totally tragic, on every level.

“I can see so much! So much… death!” :eek:

Heh. Hard to follow up on Zhan’s death though.

“I got at a peace memorial!” :smiley:

“Oh! Sorry! Don’t die! Don’t die!” :smiley:

Crichton trying to maintain the time-space continuum. :smiley:

“It is possible that we could improve the future.”
“With our luck? You think that’s likely?” :smiley:

“You made me drink piss?” :smiley:



Steven Segal was once a cook.

Bad example.

“Millions, billions dead!” :eek:

The Jedi are going to feel that one. :rolleyes:

Lol. The foul woman.

“…you monochromatic little bitch!” :smiley:

Monochromatic? Jool’s a bigot.

Just being descriptive. Her colors change, so the term doesn’t apply to her.

I was referencing and old ToS episode.

“I’ve got a good feeling about this.”

You were asking for it, John. :eek:

You mean “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield”? They were both monochromatic. :rolleyes:

Major death flag.