Farscape 2x22 Die Me, Dichotomy

Saturday, December 18th, 2010
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“Well, Crichton. So much to say and yet… such little capacity.”

You can watch the episode on YouTube.

Poor crazy John. :frowning:

The Doctor is a fascinating character.

Apparently Browder’s Scorpius was so good that the crew had trouble telling them apart. Neat. :slight_smile:

The Doctor’s light tone of voice with that big muscly body is so odd.

The organ bank is creepy. It reminds me of the Wolfram & Hart parts farm.

“Pilot, you’re high.”
“I am no higher nor lower than I have ever been.” :smiley:

“I believe that you’ll pull the trigger. I just do not believe that you’ll hit anything.” :smiley:

“You are not gonna die like this.” :eek:

At this point in the original run, my access to Sci Fi became sporadic. Characters dying and returning made the next season very confusing. :confused:

“Aeryn, forgive me. I love you.” :frowning:

Damn dust. I think I’ve got some in my eye. :frowning:

“Where will you be?”
“Anywhere else. I vomit when things get messy.” :smiley:

“Dogs. All of my dogs.”
“No, but keep it if you can.” :o

There’s Harvey! :stuck_out_tongue:

“I am so sorry to disturb the sterility of your theater, but… you no longer serve a purpose.” :eek:

“Don’t need a translator microbe for that one, do we?” :smiley:

Scorpius is frellin’ evil! :eek: