Farscape 2X05 The Way We Weren't - 10/23 @ 8 PM ET

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
8 PM Eastern - 5 PM Pacific

“And you say you think you love this man?”

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“You have secured a replacement Pilot, correct?”
“Yes, but…”
“FIRE!” :eek:

Getting a late start tonight at :05.

But that’s OK, since no one else is here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why would Peacekeepers want such a defenseless ship as a Leviathan? Starburst isn’t exactly a precise way of travelling the universe either.

Pilot-speech is too complex for translator microbes. Neat.

Pilot is pissed. :eek:

Velorek is played by Alex Dimitriades, an actor probably best known for a gay-themed Aussie film called Head On.


Apply directly to the forehead!

Apply directly to the forehead!

Apply directly to the forehead!

Apply directly to the forehead![/b]

“I spent the whole time with my collarbones chained to the walls of my cell.”

But at least I’m not bitter. :stuck_out_tongue:

“You can be so much more.”

Yeah, that was a mistake. :eek:

Pilot is truly huge. :eek:

“I won’t cry out.”
“You will.” :eek:

“Moya is free of me. I am no longer bonded to her.” :eek:

Aeryn sold out the man she loved, and he tells her she’s special because of it. :frowning:

Poor little DRDs. :frowning:

Lots of betrayal going on around here. :frowning:

“…but I so desperately wanted to see the stars.” :frowning:

I love this episode. Pilot is such a complex character, and the puppet is so emotive. Truly impressively work, on so many levels.

Powerful episode. Gotta place it among a favorite. 2 so far.