Farscape 1X15 Durka Returns - 9/4 @ 9PM ET

Saturday, September 4th, 2010
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“Famous last words.”

Watch online at Netflix

Guess what’s got two thumbs and isn’t closing on a Saturday?

_/) THIS GUY! (_

Startin’ now…

And Badger - ewww!

I love John’s wobble-walk. :slight_smile:

“There is no reason for concern.”
“Famous last words.”

“Yeah, but isn’t there some way that we can…”
“No.” :smiley:

Love when Pilot lays down the law. :slight_smile:

Rygel’s face there is amazing. Great puppet-work.

Agreed. I’m glad I ignored my initial instincts about this show and gave it a chance. Great puppet work, great storytelling.

Cyrus is just downright creepy.

I really disliked Chiana in these early episodes. She grew on me, though. :slight_smile:

And the arival of Chyana.

I love Aeryn, but I always thought Chyana was hotter, and cuter.

No doubt why her appeal was lost on me at first. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who is the actor? The voices sound familiar.

Once the rest of the crew (And the writers) got used to her, she became a great character.

“Apparently, he chose to end his distinguished career by faking his own death, whilst his crew died around him.” :eek:

Tiriel Mora

John is such a sucker. :rolleyes:

Rygel looks genuinely shocked and saddened that he hurt John. Really amazing work in this episode.

Hot alien involved? As Sean says, “If it was me, the human race would be dead right now.”

What a crappy space grenade.