Farscape 1X12 Rhapsody In Blue - 8/21 @ 10PM ET

Saturday, August 21st, 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Yeah, that would’ve been my next guess.”

Watch online at Netflix

Ben Browder in underwear…it’s a good evening!

You started already? :eek:

my clock said 10!


We should really post 10ish.

Frak party tradition is to start at :15 past the hour.

Or we could actually start on time for a change. :smiley:

We’ve tried that and then we always have to restart. Better to leave tradition alone.

fine, n00b is hitting pause

Crichton has a curious bulge in his sheets in this scene. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate these type of after-sex conversations.

Well, they’re better than having these before sex.

Awww, he had a ring all setup.

Thanx and welcome. We’ll be there soon.

Where’d you pause?

“That’s my underwear.”
“What does this say?”
“Then they’re not yours.” :smiley:

about 12 min in, delvian male telling crichton about tree root

That’s no bulge, that’s a space station.

Definitely looked like one. :smiley:

haha, and methinks the lady’s protest to much about their dreams :slight_smile:

Calvin has the best drawers. Marty McFly approved.

“Must have been one helluva impact.”

That’s what he/she said.

Glad Zhaan is bald. Those hair styles are…80s teased.

“You are the most bizarre creature I have ever met.”

I get that a lot.