Farscape 1X10 They've Got A Secret - 8/14 @ 10PM ET

Saturday, August 14th, 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Yeah, is there some kind of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Baby Leviathan” book? Doctor Spock… Mister Spock…”

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If only I could get my wife to watch some, all she has seen is the pilot and the Peace keeper wars. And hell with peace keeper wars it was only because we were dating at the time and I couldn’t be moved away from the TV so she just kinda watched because I was there.

Ok. I’m here fully now. No more distractions for the moment.

This episode aired out of order. Note that Pilot’s arm is back.

D’argo got flushed! That’ll teach him.

Nah, probably not. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Pilot, what tier is D’argo on?”
“He’s not on any tier.”
“What do you mean?” :eek:

Huh. I dun remember this one yet…

Wondered whether it regenerated.

It does, but not that quickly.

“You love what you enslave?”
“No, we don’t enslave them. OK, we enslave them.” :smiley:

I think I know what this is, but it’s too soon for what I think.

That was an Aeryn/John moment…

“Basically you have no disease.”

Wouldn’t it be better if there was some kinda tech built into the organism to fight any foreign agent?

It all comes down to chocolate. :slight_smile:

Yeah. It does always seem that way. Then again, E.T. loved Reese’s Pieces.

Then again, maybe it’s not out of order…

Uh… It’s in order…

Something that could make scientists elderly? That would be perfect! :stuck_out_tongue:

“Come here, Jaffe.”

We’ll meet him later. Jaffe is D’Argo’s son. For all the n00bs out there.

DVD Subtitles spell that Jothee.