Farscape 1X07 PK Tech Girl - 8/7 @ 9PM ET

Saturday, August 7th, 2010
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“They spit fire? How come nobody tells me this stuff? How come nobody tells me they spit fire?”

Watch online at Netflix.

Starting at :15.

ETA: Or when someone else shows up. :frowning:



Because it needs reposting.

“Deep-space desiccation.”

Wouldn’t that require it to be exposed to the vacuum?

OK, that would freak me right the frak out. :eek:

Yeah, i guess ppl/scavengers patched her.

I wonder if John would go so easy on her if she wasn’t a cute blonde girl? :rolleyes:

Maybe not if she were a cute blonde guy.

I still can’t believe that Rigel ever went over there. We’d never seen him that terrified of anything before, even when he was peeing fire. :eek:

hmm. There’s a thot.

IBIMB :smiley:

Rygel produces a lot of fluids for such a small body.

“Your whole unit was demoted upon your defection. They can only be reinstated upon your death.”

Way to go, Aeryn. You’ve ruined it for everyone else. :eek:

Dang phone.

I kinda like her myself. But, I thought she’d die before the episode ends or betray them.

It’s a trap! :eek:

Hey, welcome.

What happened to last week’s crew?

“Moya and I are very afraid of fire.”

Particularly being on it. :eek:

ATG is closing at work. And 'talos moves in mysterious ways.

“It’s not lying. Simply mislead them.”
“For a priest, you have a very flexible morality.” :smiley: