Farscape 1X01 Premiere - 7/17 @ 9PM ET

Saturday, July 17th, 2010
9 PM Eastern - 6 PM Pacific

“You fart helium?”

Squeeeee!!! :smiley:

This is not right going against Doctor Who. I love Farscape. I also love having a DVR so I can watch both.

The shuttle ending soon. So sad.

I’d forgotten that a slingshot maneuver was the original mission.

Sling shot mmmmmm done before. :wink:

I do not remember if I saw the first few shows.

Abort? He’s in space, without a spacesuit.

It’s not like ejecting is really going to improve things.

“Uh, Canaveral?”

Yeah, that’d be my reaction. :eek:

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve seen this. I’d forgotten about the sheer scale of Moya.

Love this. Just complete insanity. He has no frakkin’ clue what’s going on. :slight_smile:

“I’ll take care of you now, and you take care of me later.”

Uh, IYKWIM? :eek:

“Peel back the image.”

That was so cool. Love the idea of such technology.

“Pilot, does Moya know where we are?”
“Yes, of course. Someplace else. I’ll get back to you with the specifics.” :smiley:

I think I am on the wrong show. Right title but it does not match what you are saying.

Repeat bagers squeee been waiting years for this where we at!

21 minutes.

John’s naked.

IBIMB :smiley:

Well I am on the wrong show but I will just watch it to the end and hopefully get the second one right.

“I’m human. From Earth. Homo sapiens sapiens.”
“Enough. It’s time for us to eat.”
“Eat? Eat what? :eek:” :smiley:

Oh god we see aeron for the first time and one of my oldest crushes begins.

“You fart helium?” :D:D:D