FAQ about BSG Frak Party Archive


This sub-forum is a test. As the volume of Frak parties continues to increase we felt it may be beneficial to organize the threads into sub-forums. We will be moving all BSG Frak party threads here for easy access and convienence so they don’t get buried in the Frak Party forum. Please give us your feedback if you like this idea, don’t like this idea or are indifferent.

Thank you!

GWC Crüe

I think it’s a good idea.

I love the idea. I’d like to see a LOST frak party archive as well. I think as time goes on, you’ll see thousands of threads accumulate. Logic would tell you to delete them, but I think many of us, myself included, consider them resource material. I like to go back and re-read them. Sorting the older “inactive” frak party threads makes them much easier to find. Great idea!!!

Good idea, will be easier to find, especially later as volume continues to grow.

Sounds like a good idea, Solai. Our little Forum is growing up!! sniffle

I like this idea also. I do wonder if it wouldn’t be better to leave the BSG archive in the frak party section to save confusion.

It would be good to have one for each of the regularly frakked series that are around 15+ threads. Lets not forget about an Anime Archive also. :wink: