Fan made costumes

This could be an interesting thread, please post any fan made costumes you have pictures of here, or any you find on the net.

Here is my first -


Here is a cool site to get started with your own costume-

What NOT to do-

For inspiration-

Calling Thunderscreech! (:

Heh heh, I’m actually thinking about doing a Jabba costume this year. My thought: On a ‘hovercart’ that’s wheeled, perhaps. Use the foam noodles as the skeleton, cover with foam and cloth… thinking.



I’ve had that idea for my wheelchair/cart for a decade… I was reminded of it again when I subbed to this thread earlier.

Do you have any pics of your Captain Pike costume? This is technically a Star Wars thread, but I’d love to see it.

Hold on a sec. Fastcart had a Captain Pike costume? I second that request. I wants to see that.

Was funny. It took me moment to get that joke. Been so long since I’ve seen The Menagerie. Alas, no Pike costume. Maybe I could pull off a Nomad though. d:

AaARGH! You MUST do a Pike! I assumed you already had, but now it is a moral imperative.

I’ve been wanting to do one for years but haven’t because of the whole, you know, offending someone and being fired aspect.

But you have no such impediment! DO EET!

Yeah, or Davros…:eek:

Tempted just for the reactions.

“Who are you supposed to be?”
“Pike from Star Trek.”
couple of blinks and a head tilt “Oh, you’re doing like a Black Nick Fury! I dig it…”
(Yes, the person I’m talking with is stuck in the 70s.)

That would work if I had a motorized wheelchair with maneuverability. My cart makes wide turns. d:

Wait. What?

Must… find… brain…bleach…:eek:

Awesome homemade R2D2 visits sick children…
Video here:

And on a similar note: