This is finally starting to be the series I thought it might be when it premiered. I loved the new “superior terrain droids”/style heavy duty mechs in the opening battle. Tom Mason as the New United States President finally makes outstanding use of the character and actor and we’re finally seeing a cohesive human survivor response to the alien invasion. The coalition to “rebel” alien troops and technology brings this series up to the challenge with other series and IPs like Defiance, After Earth, Oblivion, etc…
Hal Mason’s in some deep trouble and Karen as the new “face” of the enemy/“Overlords” is absolutely delicious. ESPECIALLY since she is clearly manipulating Hal in EVERY sense of the word. I love how Hal’s brain is fighting back by making his legs unusable. Resisting with everything he’s got - until the end of the episode at least. Did he remember his rendezvous with Karen? I think he does. So why didn’t he turn himself in? And Karen’s glowing back thing has BSG’s six written all over it. Loved it.
And who killed Arthur Manchester? I don’t think it was Hal. He was in the delivery room with Anne at the time, right? So obviously there’s more than one mole in the 20 square blocks of New Charleston. I’d hate it for it to be a BSG Tory retread but Tom Mason’s assistant played by Gloria Reuben is my bet.
And talk about past scifi re-treads Tom and Anne’s new daughter Anne sure looks like she might be heading down the path of V’s Elizabeth Maxwell.
That Big Gun at the end? My thoughts went to the Robotech Grand Cannon. Sure, it’s a bit smaller but it still had a cool Batcave look to it!
I’m looking forward to this year’s series - a LOT more than other years. Here’s hoping that it keeps up the pace!