Falling Skies 2x03 Young Bloods

Here’s the on the fly thread!

And now it’s official. :slight_smile:

lol, yeah I don’t have mod powers. :slight_smile: I wanna know who those people at the start were. Was that Ben’s youngest kid?

Huh. Guess it was. This kid is on the path to becoming colder then Carl in Walking Dead.

Yeah, he was all scary in the last episode, and the alien did something to his spine.

ETA: Never mind. Different kid.

That was the middle brother. Nice burn about the “so was getting on ship” burn from Matt lol

Aw, let the girl have some hope. It’s not like she’s ever going to Mexico again.

I guess he didn’t wanna lie. But she’s the character I care the least about still.

Wait until you’re fully cocked! :stuck_out_tongue:

“OooOh my”

Is this show gonna end with everyone being harnessed? I’m wondering

Sure looks that way. :eek:

jeez this is aliens level creepy.

They’re like Goa’uld! :eek:

Totally just thought of that. Creeeeeepy.

20 bucks so Pope will be infected with some alien virus thing

Silver worm in the eye! :eek:

Underage drinking! :eek:

I missed the worm thing

Noah Wylie had it a few episodes ago.