Face your manga

I feel like this is a trick question…like you are trying to get me to say a bad word.

Solder rhymes with dodder.

not my intention at all :slight_smile:

you see we say it - soul-der

Really? So saying the following sentence could cause confusion?

“We sold her an iron”

Well, it is new and improved–I suppose. But what you would probably find disorienting about New England is this: There are no villages. Years ago at a former job, I was helping out a new guy that we had hired and he just moved from England. So I drove around with him to help him try to find a house. He wanted to buy the house and get settled before his wife and son came over from the U.K. too.
As we drove around he commented that a lot of houses and shops didn’t look all that dramatically different than the U.K. but he kept looking for a proper village. Kept thinking that, just around the corner there would be an English village. His wife couldn’t drive so he wanted the house to be within walking distance of a village.But towns in the U.S. just aren’t organized in that same village-like style. I suppose it’s because we’re such a car-centric society.
A few years later he invited me over to the U.K. for a week, I saw exactly what he meant. The U.K. seemed like village after village connected by roads and trains—but none of that sprawling suburbia that we have.

Naw, it’s kind of like learning a foreign language - you reach a point where you just have to start talking.

… and a few frak parties later, you’re up to OG status. :wink:

Obviously, Germany would win every time by default. They’d be the only team to show up on time. :smiley:

So true. I get so many other things done when I’m trying to avoid doing one particular thing.

And what would that particular thing be? Does it rhyme with procrastination?

Does anything rhyme with procrastination?

It only roughes rhymes with that. But I’m not gonna say it.

Registration? :eek:


Definitely something I like to avoid. :smiley:

bit late for that, isn’t it? :wink:

No, that would be grounds for immediate disqualification… If such a situation were to occur, however, a winner could would be decided by an as yet undetermined procedure…

Wouldn’t I know if I’ve been defenestrated?

The preliminary steps for forming a planning committee to determine that procedure is scheduled to begin in April 2028.

But the preliminary planning committee is expected to make a statement reserving their right to revisit and adjust the schedule at anytime in the future…

Indigestion, Constipation, Flatulation and Regurgitation… oh my!

That statement isn’t expected until at least 2033.