Face your manga

Frankly, I’m impressed.

That you missed the fact that SHE’S A LADY!!!


I, however, have not been mistaken as such, except by the hub, so I whap you upside the head in a good-natured, big-sisterly manner.

Solai- uh, where is that darling little headslap you always give the boys?


Perhaps intimidated was a bad choice of words. Hows about I just say she is in awe of it.
Please, for the well being of everyone, don’t allow Solai to headslap. Especially with that ballpark.

Why you gotta be talking about slapping people with meat bats? For real. This is a family forum!

Hookin a sista up.

bkittyUchiha Daisuke

Now I’m really scared and will avoid the San Diego area on all future trips to the West Coast.

Maybe your stylist would like to be slapped by Solai, too?:eek:

Maybe Solai enjoys pain…?:eek:

Not at all…I like helping people arrive at the right decision using logic, reason and the occasional smack in the noggin.

So, you’re a mom?

Not quite. BTW, when do you move?

I guess a couple of days before school starts. Around the 13th, I’d say.

Before I knew what “Galaxy Ranger” was, that’s exactly what I though his avatar was…

Click on Goku for all you need to know…

but here’s the real me:

Is it just me or do I look like a child molester???:eek:

I said it elsewhere, but it bears repeating: date rapist.

Definitely. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you suggesting that we look like cartoon characters? :rolleyes:

I think you know exactly what it stands for. :eek:

Is this a more recent picture?

If so, I’d say you’re more somewhere in the middle. I think the creepy pervert glasses and the cleavage-revealing butterfly collar is throwing everyone off…

In my defense:

The “F” came with the scarf!

Ooh, do we get superpowers too? :slight_smile:

Or would we separate into groups 1,2, and 3 :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ve used that phrase before. What’s it mean?

All I can think of is “Gallia divisa est in partes tres”. :smiley:

“Meat bats”???

Of course it did. Sure. :wink:

It really did!

Given this Gutter League I guess my superpower with have to be unbelievable patience and tolerance… :wink:

I call zero super powers but innapropriate wit and an arsenal of weapons and gadgets

LOL!! The worst that would happen is that you would look FABULOUS!!

…and if he knew Solai, he would consider it an honor!

OSSIM!! Thank you so much, FT!!

Massive Sistahly Bear Hugz 'n Fist Bumps!