Excalibur Frak Party

GMTA, baby :smiley:

Indeed indeed indeed!

See Lady D!! Helen Mirren is next to Qui-gon Jinn

there’s Qui-Gon!

he has good taste

what’s with Qui-Gon’s topknot?

She’s a witch!! Burn her. She turns him into a newt.

He gets better.

Yeah, Qui Gon!! My old avatar!!!

See what happens when you sleep without your armor.

That was a pretty good effect with the sword in Lancelot’s side.

he naps in the shiny armor because he has nothing else to wear

holy craaaaaap!

Lady D, if you need to go off to your bunk for a moment, we understand.:eek:

Poor Perceval doesn’t get shiny armour to fight.

The Bloody sock…ahem…I mean armour.

Judging from his shield I’m guessing that Lancalot’s favorite video game was Q*Bert…

sorry, takes more than a guy poking himself with a sword to get me in in my bunk

And now ye shall fight with the Ann Woon!! Bring out the Ann Woon!! --ST:TOS Amok Time

I wondering if Qui-gon is thinking about Darth Maul right now

Yeah I know. It’s missing music, though.

If you watch the commentary track Boorman talks about how they did all the effects the old fashion way of course, and that now everything would be done with digital effects these days. Sometimes the old tricks actually hold up pretty well…