According to my clock I am perfectly in sync with the video.
How can anyone rest with that pounding in the background?
Hello naked Ayanami!
What a spaz.
If I remember the scuttlebutt properly she is a clone of his Mother…
Yeah, I don’t think we saw her breast in the TV series. But, I’m not gonna go check.
It was his first grope. d:
Bah. That was a major revelation.
Well, things may be different in the movies.
I really liked this Angel.
Ooh. Awkward.
No, we did not. Adult Swim isn’t quite that adult.
In this movie, it’s awesome! Don’t blink!!
Let him suffer, he is making me suffer by watching him…
OK, that Angel attack was awesome.
Neither is Japanese TV.
Just wait… ^^
Lol! Movie Shinji deserves better imo.
A big improvement from the series. Truly amazing.
Why is it drilling there when the place where they dropped the section is closer to underground?
To give the enemy time to counterattack of course…
Yeah, that extra 20 minutes will come in handy I’m sure. d:
Brainwashing? Wouldnt that require a brain?
My favorite part of this movie is coming. I won’t be posting soon.