Eureka 4x19 One Small Step

hehehehe parrish with a broken foot
“whatever movie science…”

Did you cover the environmental effects of guano harvesting?

I started to but then was asked to stop. LOL.

She’s the casita bonita. Awwwww.

And Jack screams like a little girl! bwhahahahaha! :smiley:

Real Steel has totally sampled the bass line of We will rock you for that ad.

It’s been too long since we’ve seen SARAH. Too bad we’ve got a not great moment with her.

SARAH will be waiting with open doors?

That’s just… not right. :eek:

It’s actually kind of logical, considering he goes into her closet to spend private time with her. :wink:

He just caught a bat out of the air? Impressive.

and Fargo is the one who reads their situation? oh how the tables have turned…

Andy has a Head-Carter. :stuck_out_tongue:

And Jack is pulling a Princess Leia - Obi Wan you’re my only hope. :slight_smile:

Wow. That was beautiful. :cool:

Um, don’t touch him if you want to keep your skin. :eek:

“I’m sorry. I forget sometimes that you can’t see me smile.”

Awwwww. :o

Sigh, of course Jo and Zane will have less sexy time now. Sigh.

Oh good Sarah still has her memory of Andy. It would have been very Eureka-y to erase it.

Thanks goodness, they didn’t break up Andy & Sarah. I don’t know if I would have forgiven them. :slight_smile:

“people need to know these things” oh, Carter :slight_smile:

hey! they mentioned Jenna! the baby exists!

I also missed him on the Show. Maybe he’ll be back more for Season 5. I can never grow tired of him.

Looks like many people mentioned this to Colin after this episode. lol

RT @colinferg: Thanks for the kind words tonight everyone!!! … And just so you know, I think that you all scream like a girl too.

HIVEMIND FTW!! :slight_smile:

I have to confess, for one moment they stumped me.

And it’ll be like one year older since we last saw it! :smiley: