Oh, so the sound wave blasted the bugs’ communication circuits!
And Parrish shrieks like a little girl!
Oh, so the sound wave blasted the bugs’ communication circuits!
And Parrish shrieks like a little girl!
Zane - the full assed ass
I like the no-power lighting inside the isolation unit
“I can manage 8 inches, no problem.”
Spit take ensued.
:eek: I can take 8 inches, no problem! OMG!
Okay, Parrish is freaking insane.
I feel like I can’t let that wrestling commercial go by uncommented, but we’ve said it all before.
Syfy. ugh.
Syfy WWEyfy?
I love the paper crane magnetic retrieval system
Very effective. and colorful
Good save Jack!
so… does that mean that Zane doesn’t want to stay? hmmm.
LOL oh Fargo’s face