Eureka 4x06 Momstrosity

Sarah is looking for Andy.

I guess she liked…Oh never mind.

They often go against what they just said they shouldn’t do too often on this show.

“Drop your firewall and show me your code.”

I’m using that.

You’d think they would have sub-dermal communication devices on all Eureka personnel.

Particularly since, for all intents and purposes, he had just met her and had absolutely no idea how she would react. At least Tess and Zane may have understood.

When your best friend wants to be your step-dad. Ewww.

He said Frak.

“Holy frak…”


I hate time travel cross-series references.

Tiny is a girl?

ETA: with spotlight jubblies.

“I brought them over a party platter.”



Is Tiny in love too? :wink:

SyFy glitch again.

This is freaking me out. An episode about wacky AI and my signal is acting all weird. Is Skynet coming online?

I hope Fargo brought some…you know…power tools.

Yes, I lost SYFY too.


The music sounds very BSG chase scene with the poundy drums. It is Bear, after all.

OMGs, I was literally just moments ago reading an article about that invisible monkey commercial. Hilarious! :slight_smile:

Dodge Complies With PETA By Replacing Ape With Invisible Ape

Uh-oh Carter is approaching her from behind.

“…with an unnecessarily creepy design!” :smiley:

“Come with me if you want to live.”

OK. That was perfect.

He is even quoting from the Terminator.