Eureka 4x01 Founder's Day

Friday, 9 July 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Hello, anyone out there?

That baby is really big.

WTF is he wearing?

He was running.

Zane behind bars. Nice. :slight_smile:

Wow they pay well in Eureka.

Aw. I wonder if he made the diamond himself. :rolleyes:

Probably did in this town.

Pesky temporal anomalies.

Did we have a bit of time change???

You make it sound better than I do.

They even changed the theme song? Brilliant!

I think the gate guard was the same actor that played the robot sheriff last season.

If he is on again I will have to look closer.

Music by Bear…

Isn’t it great.

Save it for the dance. Great line.

“Mary knows best…” I know what I’m not watching Thursday night.

Now I that have the iPhone 4, I need to make some deaf friends…

…who also have the iPhone 4. :slight_smile:

I wish I had one …