Eureka 3x11 Insane in the P-Brane

Join us July 24, 2009 at 8pm CDT.

I’m here. Is everyone else watching Torchwood?

The pregnant belly special effects really didn’t work too well.

I’m still talking to myself, aren’t I?

I’m here! Just a bit late - sorry! What did I miss?

Guy looking for ghosts, Blond friend of the head of GD not making a good impression on Carter.

Does anyone make a good impression on Carter? He’s darn hard to please!

Ghosts throwing things - I like that!

You going to go see District 9?

Her car was parked in the middle of the road. It looks like it wasn’t her fault though.

I’m planning on it, I just have to figure out a time when I’m not working. Working retail means having a wacky schedule, and I have to visit my uncle on my day off too.

That’s one nice thing about having a state job. Regular hours, lots of holidays!

It looks like Carter’s sister is digging herself into a hole…

And this is the part where they go to another dimension?

Ohhhhh, look, they’re both Kitty Pryde!

Looks like they are there.

You know - that would be cool if you could control it. Otherwise - suckage.

I got that! :smiley:

Seriously. You know thet’ll get out of it by the end of the episode, the real question is Carter going to hook up with the new head of Section 5, and is his syster going to keep the doctor father? I’ll bet maybe on 1, no on 2.

I agree with you on the maybe on 1, no on 2 thing. Carter’s sister is waaaaaaay to “by herself” to hook up with a doctor-type!

Are there bathrooms in the other dimensions? :smiley:

She is very huggy and funnier than Carter deserves. :smiley:

Overpaying for a sweater? :smiley:

Oh God, they’re going back in the room…