(naturally anyone should feel free to post a log entry here:D—but please try to stick to stardate order for the episodes.http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series)
EDIT: For convenience sake I’ve listed the 1st season episodes in stardate order here.
EDIT: (Jan 25, 2013) Um…When I created this thread over 3 years ago, not sure why I was so anal saying these should be in Stardate order. Post in any order you like…whatever episode you think would be fun to do a Log for. And post the episode name too. I’m not sure why 2009 me wanted to be so obscure )
Where No Man Has Gone Before 1312.4 - 1313.8
Mudd’s Women 1329.8 - 1330.1
The Corbomite Maneuver 1512.2 - 1514.1
The Man Trap 1513.1 - 1513.8
Charlie X 1533.6 - 1535.8
The Enemy Within 1672.1 - 1673.1
The Naked Time 1704.2 - 1704.4
Balance of Terror 1709.2 - 1709.6
The Squire of Gothos 2124.5 - 2126.3
What Are Little Girls Made Of? 2712.4
Miri 2713.5 - 2713.3
Dagger of the Mind 2715.1 - 2715.2
The Conscience of the King 2817.6 - 2819.8
The Galileo Seven 2821.5 - 2823.8
Court Martial 2947.3 - 2950.1
The Menagerie, Part I 3012.4 - 3012.6
The Menagerie, Part II 3013.1 - 3013.2
Shore Leave 3025.3 - 3025.8
Arena 3045.6 - 3046.2
The Alternative Factor 3087.6 - 3088.7
Tomorrow is Yesterday 3113.2 - 3114.1
Space Seed 3141.9 - 3143.3
The Return of the Archons 3156.2 - 3158.7
A Taste of Armageddon 3192.1 - 3193.0
The Devil in the Dark 3196.1
Errand of Mercy 3198.4 - 3201.7
City of the Edge of Forever Unknown
Operation – Annihilate! 3287.2 - 3289.8
This Side of Paradise 3417.3 - 3417.7
Chief of Security’s Personal Log, Stardate: 1313.2
We’re in standard orbit around Delta Vega, a planet that’s completely uninhabited, desolate, but rich in minerals. I guess Lt. Kelso is gonna beam down with a party to get some dilithium to regenerate the damaged main engines. Yeah, so I heard that Lt. Commander Mitchell has acquired some extraordinary psionic powers and they are some fraking scary shite. Holy craap! I do NOT want a piece of that trouble, so I’m laying low. Scuttlebutt is that Spock fears Mitchell might become dangerous to not only the ship, but to the entire galaxy. Spock thinks we should kill him. Hey, I’m good with that, just leave me out of it.
Anyway, so a little while ago Kirk asked if I could please help try to get Mitchell into the transporter room so he can be beamed down to the planet and left there. I told Kirk, sorry, but I had a really full schedule, and although I would LOVE to help, now wasn’t a good time. Kirk totally bought it–the wanker. Anyway, so apparently they did manage to get Mitchell unconscious and wrestled him to the transporter room. See, I told ya they didn’t need me.
On another unrelated subject, I’ve got some cool news. A couple weeks ago I sent in a suggestion to the Star Fleet Office of Wardrobe and Uniforms. I have this really cool idea that that Security officers in Star Fleet should have a different color uniform than the other folks. I mean, all this gold and blue is a little monotonous, right? How bout we go with red or something for us Security types, I said. Anyway…(pause log recording)
(resume log recording) Sorry for the interruption. Mr. Spock just came into my office with this whole song and dance asking me to beam down with a team armed with phaser rifles. “Eh, not such much with me and dangerous god-like beings, sir,” I said. Then I told him “How 'bout I give YOU the phaser rifle, and you beam down with it. And I’ll stay up here…um…guarding the ship…yeah, yeah, guarding the ship.” Spock is such putz. He totally took the phaser rifle and left.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, so yeah, So Cool! I got a message back from my cousin at Star Fleet Command, and guess what! They’re totally going with my suggestion about the red uniforms! The new uniforms will be ready for us at our next Starbase stop. Sweet!! Well, I guess that’s all for now. Hopefully Kirk is gonna be able to successfully kill and/or maroon his best friend Gary Mitchell in the next couple hours, so we can get the frak away from this planet. Can’t wait for the new red uniforms!! Ta ta for now.