Ender's Game Re-watch

Bonzo and his buddies confront Ender in the shower.
They fight and Bonzo is severely injured.

Bonzo dies.

Ender defies Col Graff.

Graff’s job is to turn Ender into the commander of the Fleet that will destroy the Buggers.

Graff forces Valentine to help convince Ender to return to Battle School and fight the Buggers.

Ender hates his brother Peter, but he also loves him.

Valentine convinces Ender to return.

Ender is not sent back to Battle School. Command School is his destination.

Again, much is left out from the novel.

Command School is in a former Bugger base.

Graff: The purpose of this coming war, is to prevent all future wars.

The base has a very alien feel.

Ender wakes up to Mazar Rackham in his quarters.

“There is no enemy. but your enemy.”

Mazar Rackham begins Ender’s final training.

Mazar shows Ender the classified secret.
There’s a queen. Kill the queen, and the rest just stop.

“Speak for the dead”

Why did they come?

Ender meets his officers, his friends from Battle School.

A giant Bugger fleet is on the way.

Now start the training simulations.