Ender's Game Re-watch

Ender must never believe anyone will come rescue him.

Graff: “His isolation must never be broken”

The Battle Room - well done!!

Ouch, ouch!

No up or down in space.

The enemy’s gate is down.

Bean and Ender experimenting with their weapon and suit.

Sgt Dap explains the Games.

Ender writes to Valentine. Ender doesn’t know that Valentine will never get his emails.

These are not your friends, they are your competition.

You can’t defeat Ender. He doesn’t give up.

Go Ender! Be strong.

“This is basic rocket science.”

Nobody sits with Ender, except now that changes.

Way more intense and detailed in the novel.

“The Game” is perfect. Just like the novel. Great.

The way he plays the game tells you much.

Ender kills the Giant.

Ender is promote to Salamander Army.

And the obnoxious bully Bonzo.
And we meet Petra.

Bonzo is a good example of an incompetent commander.

Ender is benched, he can only watch as Salamander Army practices and has their battles.

Petra trains Ender in the basics in the Battle Room.