For those of you who wish to watch and Frak along with me. And hope for a Dr. Horrible musical number!!
I just saw Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter from Dexter on the Red Carpet. I know that they’re brother and sister just on the show, but seeing them together sorta creeps me out. :eek:
I liked the announcer VO
Great opening number Neil
Neil’s so cute and blinky. I love that they’re dividing the show by genre. Makes sense.
But why dont they have the Sci Fi section…so Battlestar could get something
Neil did pretty good, I really liked the beginning and only 1 Kanye joke.
Yay Pushing Dasies!!! I hope that wins
YAY!!! go Pushing Daisies
Just got home. When did the Emmys start. I am outside with the dogs. Did I miss much?
Chenowith!!! YES!!!
Not sure I like the genre format, mainly because I am not a huge fan of the current comedies.
Cause they’d stick Lost in it and then Battlestar wouldn’t win anything anyway cause people are stupid.
Also wow…if she was acting she really deserved that emmy. If not…I feel kinda bad about making fun of award shows
I miss that show so much, I get kinda teary. Umm…I’ll be right back. sob
Really, 4 noms for 30 rock in one category. REEEEEEEEALLY? Why is that even necessary?
At least they are nominating individual writers. Thats kinda cool
I know - what would have been better would have been had they lost.
Go NPH or Jack…or Rain… I would be happy with any of them…
Except that.
Good point - at least not only 1 person or group of people from a show can be nominated.
Lots of 30 Rock noms this year