Email notifications

Hi, all – Is there a way to subscribe to a thread without having posted something? For example, I only just started reading the book of the month today, so don’t really have anything of substance to say – but I want to get notifications of new posts in the book club forum so I don’t have to sift through a month’s worth of posts at once! Likewise, I may not have anything to say on a particular podcast, but would like to keep track of others’ comments as they come in.

Any way to do this? Am I making sense? A “watch this topic” option is what I guess I am looking/hoping for. Thanks!

From the FAQ:

If you post a new thread, or reply to an existing thread, you can choose to be notified by email when someone else replies to that thread. You can also choose to receive email notifications of new posts in a thread without posting in that thread, by clicking the ‘Subscribe to this thread’ link displayed in the thread page.

If you choose to stop receiving email notifications from a thread, you can turn off the option by either editing your post, or by unsubscribing from the thread here.

Only registered users may receive email notification, and they can set whether they want to receive email notification by default by editing their options.

Email notification is also referred to as ‘Thread Subscription’.

D’oh! I feel stupid now. Thanks for the info, though!

Naw don’t feel stupid. I thought I had seen it in there so I went and checked again. It was easier to just copy & paste that part of the FAQ instead of trying to point you to where it was. :slight_smile: