Earth*Star Voyager

Anyone remember this Disney pilot from 1988?

I remember enjoying it quite a bit when I was younger, and I still have fond memories even though I haven’t seen it in about 15 years. The plot was that Earth was overpopulated and dying in it’s own waste. A colony ship is built to fly to another star system that has a habitable analogue, and there are a number of possible similarities between the show and Baltarstar Galactica in terms of look, characters, mission, etc.

The opening credits:

The special fx were great, it introduced me to railguns, and has a creepy space Disneyland. Who could ask for anything more?

So, back to the pilot bit, it was supposed to be the intro to a new show, but none of the networks picked it up. The thread about Otherworld reminded me of this, so I figured I’d throw this out and see if anyone else has any memories (fond or not) about this “coulda been” show.

Finally got around to watching the clip. I’m sure I saw this when it came out, but I don’t remember anything about it at all.

The intro music sounds cool.

Nice. I was 15 at the time of its release, and this would have been right up my alley… I’m sorry to say I don’t remember it.

I think it must have been aired as a ‘movie of the week’ or something. Disney has no intention of releasing it on DVD, it seems, but enthusiastic fans have put up copies online.

I’m almost afraid to watch it, you know how things look through the lens of time, but I’ll report back soon. I’ve gotten a copy to show my kids, that’ll be my excuse.

That’s slightly before my time…but then again, so was Tron

I want to check it out sometime.