I wish to entertain an idear.
Harry Potter and The Dresden Files are the same universe.
Dresden occasionally references ‘the European wizards’ as being hidden away from the rest of society. Some of the critters he encounters seem to match (in my mind) reasonable facsimiles of those in HP, and the types of magic employed in both seem fairly consistent.
The White Council of Dresden Files could reasonably be an encompassing agency within which the Ministry of Magic falls, perhaps handled in a manner similar to tribal police versus the FBI here in the US.
High technology seems equally unreliable around HP wizards as Mr. Dresden, and any vehicles the HP magic community uses are inevitably old fashioned points-style ignition, non-electronic kinds. The wholesale dismissal of ‘muggle’ technology, in fact, may be in part because anything terribly sophisticated simply doesn’t work reliably.
Two different cultures coexisting, neither giving much shrift to the other because they approach the subject differently, but both living in the same physical world.