Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!

Wednesday, 29 February 2011
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

Correction, starting now… :smiley:


His terrible death whinny?

An evil laugh is so important. :slight_smile:

Ahhhhhahaaaa ahhhahahaaaaa!

I have standards. :slight_smile:

“And it;s not about making money, it’s about taking money.”

“Destroying the status quo, because the status is not quo!”

“~Laundry day, See you there~”

“~With My Freeze ray I’ll stop the world~”

Time check?

“~Bad Horse, Bad Horse~”

I’m at 7 Minutes in…

Moist! :cool:

“…or else he’ll make you his mare!” :smiley:

“~Will you lend a helping…~”


I have the Horrible Van Remote app on my phone. :stuck_out_tongue:

“The fish rots from the head.” So cut off the head"
Cutt off the head of the human race?"
“It’s not a purfect metaphore.”

“It’s not a perfect metaphor.” :smiley:

I’ve always wondered what happens if you bounce wonderflonium. :eek:

“~STAND back everyone, nothing here to see.~”

Capt. Hammer!

“Gentle, lacy wafting curtains.” :smiley:

“~Listen close to everyones heart.~”

“It’s curtains for you, Dr. Horrible. Lacy, gently wafting curtains.”

I love his face there. :stuck_out_tongue: