I don’t know… seems a little out of character to me.
“Now you’re McUseless”
It was a practical joke when they were filming. The crew mentioned it on their first Stargate arc (after I posted about it in the previous episode’s thread )
Oh that is Fraking great. I wonder if he knew it was coming or if this was all spontaneous. Either way it was Hilarious.
That was really fun! They should have done more of those reference on top of the Star Trek and Simpsons one.
When they recut the pilot, they actually took the MacGyver reference out.
I’m pretty sure McKay has made a few MacGyver references though.
Even though I only ever watched a few episodes of Macgyver, as a Stargate fan that was friggin awesome.
Stargate has top-notch bloopers and behind the scenes. Always loved how it translates to screen when the crew all gets along off-camera.