
I really wanted to like this, but… I could only make it through 15 minutes before I switched it off. I will try to get through it again later…

I just watched this on HULU and really liked it. It’s not a GREAT pilot, sure, but it was compelling and had enough mystery to it to sustain a long run while at the same time the concept of the dollhouse and the memory wipes leaves plenty of room for weekly adventures that would be attractive to a more mainstream audience.

I had a hard time, however, seeing Tamoh as anyone but Helo. It’s going to take me a while to get used to him as someone other than our morally upstanding utility player Karl C. Agathon. This has nothing to do with the show (though it may have something to do with his range. It’s still too early to tell) but with my own fandom.

I hope the show lasts more than a few episodes or a single season.

It definitely wasn’t as bad as it could have been, and since it’s a pilot episode of a show that lends itself to serialization, it could have been AWFUL. I’m not a big Whedon fan (the wife is), but I like Dushku well enough, and Penikett enough, to give the show a shot.

Watching it now. I chuckled when Tahmoh’s character told the Russian guy to wash his hands, and his shoes!

who is the Josh Whedon you speak of? Is he related to Joss Whedon??? :D;)

The thing that makes Whedon’s shows appealing (for me at least) is the sense of family and friendship he creates among his characters… that’s not possible to create in an episode or two… the interesting thing about Dollhouse is that I don’t see where he’s going to do that with these characters yet… but I’m willing to give it a shot.

I think DavidFromMontrea was just correcting Joss’s parents horrible mistake and he renamed him a “real” name. I hate recently “made up” names. almost as bad as nameing your kid Shawnquez or tameka. Joss is a “nickname” of Joseph or a masculine version of Jocylin. I say go with it DavidFromMontrea!!!

Actually - Joss’ parents named him Joe. Joss changed his name when he got to Hollywood to something more unique. Nevertheless - feel free to call him whatever you want - I was just teasing anyway.

I found the pilot to be dull and humorless. I really want it to turn into something good, as I love pretty much anything else Joss has done, especially Firefly. So far, the show hasn’t given me anything to really care about. Supposedly Jane Epsen comes in after the third ep and the show does a sort-of reboot. I really hope it gets better.

Agreed, it was dissapointing. Except those short spots for terminator/Dollhouse were awesome.
However I have faith in Jane Epsen, she has done some fantastic work

They better get on the “make it more interesting” train real quick.


No kidding? I guessed it was short for “Joshua” or something, but then again, I never bother to look it up.

It’s was ok. I was hoping for more. There was none of that Whedon humour that we know and love

I may have missed something, but is the Russian guy a Doll?

As pilots go, it’s one of the more promising ones of late. I’m not sure Tamoh can play ‘smart guy,’ but we’ll see.

He was a Russian human trafficker, of the type Tahmoh got in trouble for interfering with.

Great succinct analysis. I liked it, but I thought Tahmoh did very well. As much as I like the guy, I wasn’t expecting him to stand out, but he was the most interesting character.

Maybe I was a little harsh before, I’ve been thinking it over. and admittedly i am a proud Whedon whore, and an FOX hater, so take that into account. but when the DVD’s come out I have this sinking suspicion that they’ll air this episode third and have a truly fabulous pilot episode. but we all know thats just crazy talk FOX would never pull that kind of insane frak’in BS

Oh Right

Not a great pilot, but a solid showing with promise. I thought it showcased Dushku’s most subtle and mature acting to date though.

I watched it in chunks over the weekend. Joss is the man, but I’m also in the “underwhelmed” club. GRANTED, it’s a pilot, and one that was substantially worked over at that.

I’m just having enormous difficulty buying the entire premise. Somehow, Buffy and The Angel Detective Agency-Turned-Supernatural-Law Firm were more plausible. And I say that fully realizing how ridiculous it is to make a comment like that about a TV show.