I was watching Dollhouse on Netflix for the first time and instantly was pulled into the show. The concept of being able to to erase someone’s memories and upload new ones is fascinating. It really brings up the issue of what it means to be a human. I was discussing this issue with my professor in one of my classes after we talked about marketing and advertising to the public. Shows such as Caprica, Dollhouse, and BSG all require us to question what makes us human. Whether it is taking an avatar of a person that is essentially a replication of Zoe and placing it into a machine, trying to find where the line is between a human or Cylon in BSG, or uploading manufactured memories into a doll; all bring up the greater question of what separates us from these 'machines?" It is really just a thought-provoking topic. I guess am just throwing the topic out there for others to feed off of. And I also ran across an interview earlier today at io9.com, just to update the community. Loved to hear thoughts on the topic of what separates sentient machines and humans.